Ok, so here's the big news: The Washington Post made an offer I couldn't refuse and Think Tanked and I will now be there. There are many details forthcoming, but for now, here's the staff announcement made by the Post today:
We are pleased to announce that Allen McDuffee will be bringing his Think Tanked blog to the Post, where he will write about Washington’s robust ideas industry.
Allen has been an independent journalist for the past several years, writing for The Nation, New York Observer, Huffington Post and Raw Story. He has been awarded funding from The Nation's Investigative Journalism Fund and is a two-time fellow at the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism. Before his journalism career, Allen worked more than seven years for Washington political consulting firms and think tanks.
He launched Think Tanked on his own a year ago, creating a beat from the world of think tanks. At the Post, he will write about the increasing and changing role these institutions play in Washington's ecosystem.
Allen will be based on the National staff and will report to Barbara Vobejda. His blog will launch in the near future.
Kevin Marilyn Emilio
Needless to say, I'm absolutely thrilled and can't wait to get started! I'll post a little later with more details, but for now, there's a bunch of work to do. Thanks for all the reader patience and support while this has been worked out over the last couple of months.