Shortly, I'll be in a briefing at the Heritage Foundation with Marc Thiessen. You may remember him as a Bush speechwriter or as a speechwriter for Rumsfeld. What you may not think of him for is his expertise on torture.
But that's what he's painting himself as with his book, Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama is Inviting the Next Attack. Like Cheney, he simultaneously defends and advocates torture techniques.
If you want a Thiessen-lite version of his stance on torture here's a bit from his column yesterday in the Washington Post:
Is there a reasonable middle ground that would allow the Obama administration to effectively interrogate resistant terrorist leaders without compromising its opposition to torture? There most certainly is.
To be clear, Obama did not end waterboarding; it was no longer part of the formal CIA interrogation program he inherited from the Bush administration. Indeed, former CIA Director Mike Hayden says he told Obama's national security transition team, "All those things you think you need to do [on interrogation]? We already did them."
Read the full column here.
Lots of questions to ask today, how many will I get in? Maybe none.
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